Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Death Hunt

Though an individualist and lone wanderer, Beastheart is a friend to the Guild. As such he prepared to gather rare ingredients for the master crafters of Midnight's Children. Setting out with supplies, pet food and three full bags of arrows, Beast journeyed to the Eastern Plaguelands to take up a commision with the Argent Dawn to hunt undead.

After nearly 6 hours hunting, he had fired 8863 arrows, killing 354 undead foes. These included Diseased Flayers(57-59), Death Singers (58-59), Dread Weavers (57-59) and the very tough Scourge Champions (59-60). After the Hunt was completed and the trophy tally counted, the results were found to be:
  • 11 full stacks of Runecloth
  • 5 Major Mana Potions
  • 3 Major Healing Potions
  • 3 Scrolls of Stamina IV
  • Scroll of Agility IV
  • Scroll of Spirit IV

  • Aquamarine gem
  • 125 Invade Scourgestones
  • 84 Bone Fragments
And the main goal of the Hunt:Greys:
Twill Vest, Twill Cover, Twill Pants x2, Twill Shoulders, Stout War Staff, Light Plate Boots, Bulky Maul, Smooth Leather Armour, Smooth Leather Belt, Light Plate Chestpiece

12 Dried King Bolete (mushrooms), 10 Morning Glory Dew

Nearly 24 gold in corpse loot.

A very successful Hunt.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Armory Guild Page

Just added a link to the Armory Guild Page on the Dept of Information menu to the right (the character name links also take you to the Armory page for that character). The Armory is pretty xool - can check guild info, skills for each player, what everyone is equipped with. And it's all XML, so they technically minded can extract data from it automatically. Nice work Blizzard.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rage Fire Chasm for Beginners

After a session spent collecting 20 vials of Blood, the Tuesday night team set a goal of taking down the infamous Ragefire Chasm on our next session. This was to be the first instance for Haelo (Christian), Xantir (Jason), and Judelder (Damien), so there was some nervousness on everyone's behalf - how do instances work, what are the team tactics, who does what , and what loot will we get!?

Luckily for the novices, Denmother (Cameron) stepped up to take the lead. Maintaining a fine balance between her Bear and Tauren forms, Den quickly established an effective and unstoppable momentum. After marking the sheep for Judelder, she drew, allowing Xantir to start wailing in soon after. Haelo sent in Splinter, her pet, whilst peppering the foe with precision bow action, and Dawnsinger (Chris) kept us all alive with calm aplomb. Jud, being slightly too high level, did a fine job of not drawing agro whilst using low level magic missile action to keep the enemy busy.

We progressed well through the dungeon, with nary a wrong turn, and it was looking good for a clear run until the penultimate encounter. We accidentally drew more than we knew how to adequately handle, leading momentarily to a bit of every person for themselves panic. Dens was forced to heal herself after Dawn was sorely distracted by being almost dead herself. But, miraculously and through some fine refocusing from Dens, the attack was repelled with no one going down.

After polishing off the rest of the Chasm dwellers, we emerged into the Cleft of Shadows with the entire team having made it through alive. Full credit to Denmother for a great lead, and to all for making it through unscathed, particularly those on their first run.


Attendees(level): Denmother(14), Dawnsinger(14), Haelo(13), Judelder(17), Xantir(15)
Leader: Denmother
Notes: Zero deaths!
Drops: Subterranean Cape, Chanting Blade