Monday, August 4, 2008

Tips for young Kara-ites

(Irational's genius brain dump on the lessons we've learnt from Kara so far - with comments from Blackheathen)

Nothing too in depth but hopefully just somewhere we can keep a record of how to achieve victory.

So here goes nothing:

Actually a pretty easy fight, a little bit more then tank and spank but not far off.
  1. OT on Midnight.
  2. MT needs to pickup Attumen as soon as he appears (can wipe a raid quick if this is too slow)
  3. Tank and Spank in Phase 3 (when horse and rider become one)
  4. Save MD for when Attumen mounts
Blackheathen's comments: Don't worry, if I ever see Attumen lurking around Blackheath shops you can be sure I will have shield slam ready and waiting to pick him up, he will have 5 sunders on him before he gets a chance to spill his decaffe skim latte.

Obviously Attumen is cake at this point but not if we fu#4 up.

Here is where it starts to get interesting.
  1. Kill order is very important
  2. CC > heals
  3. CC > DPS
  4. CC > Everything
  5. Much easier if we designate a tank to lead the kill order
  6. Much easier if we take out all 4 adds before boss
Blackheathen's comments: I think having 3 tanks in fight certainly made things a little easier. Me and Fugg stay on Moroes whilst everyone else follows Derb killing the adds worked a treat last time.

To quote Stroeb "I'm starting to hate the sight of her"
  1. Don't MD onto the Healer! (Huntards)
  2. Need to drag healer out of Redemption (either by them stepping into 'Ring of Fire' before or by MT moving Maiden) (This is key to the fight)
  3. Need to Dispel Holy Fire ASAP (3.5k DMG a second.) We did well to have someone dedicated to this task.
Blackheathen's comments: After watching Derb successfully tank her last night I reckon I know what to do now if he will let me have another crack at her. Waking up the healers/dispellers is definitely the key.

Oz in this case. Actually an easy fight once we got the strategy down.
  1. Need to pickup Tito ASAP after he spawns, he loves the taste of healer flesh
  2. Tank on Tinman, OT get agro on Roar then switch to Tito
  3. Lock should keep Roar feared until it's his turn to die
  4. 1 or 2 fire based DPSers should be on Strawman the whole time
  5. Kill order: Dorothy, Tito, Strawman, Roar, Tinman
  6. Once Tinman rusts he should be kited
  7. Crone is easy but avoid Cyclones
Blackheathen's comments: As to the Opera, now that we have the Wizard of Oz strategy down you can bet we won't see it again for months lol. It didn't take long for Tinman to rust enough to start kiting, and I noticed that I had built up enough threat at the start so that by the time it came to kill him, no one pulled aggro (not that it really matters, just whoever he targets must be prepared to to keep him moving). Thus I could just keep kiting around giving the healers time to mana up. No need to rush Tinman, he should never get the chance to hit anyone after about 30 secs into the fight. The Crone was a total squishy.

I think we can do this easy if we can stay focused.
  1. Flares, Flares, Flares (Easily the most important part of the fight)
  2. Need to get straight back onto the Flares as soon as Evoc Phase is over. (When we didn't do this we would end up with 2 Flares and that was a wipe every time)
  3. Keep the MT on Curator the whole time
  4. Blow all trinkets and cool downs at first Evoc stage
  5. Melee DPS should run back to Curator on 9th flare so they can be there at start of Evoc stage
  6. Generally will take 3 Evoc stages to reach phase 3
  7. Healer Mana is a missive problem in this fight (Priests should use Shadow Fiend in 2nd Evoc stage)
Blackheathen's comments: Yeah mate, flares are definitely coming back in. We just need DPS to stay concentrated enough so melee doesn't run around all the time but far enough apart so hopefully only the melee DPS are taking damage from them.

That's as far as we have got so far. Comments?

1 comment:

Spinafex said...

When MT picks up Attumen he should be standing between Midnight and the main healer, because Attumen will charge the Healer because of his high aggro.