Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well Oiled

MC is turning into a well-oiled Kara machine, with another hugely successful run through last Thursday, despite only having the one tank.

We ran smoothly all the way to Curator, downing everyone in one shot except Wolf where a Blackheathen Riding Hood - Blackheathen Stun - Blackheathen Riding Hood sequence meant we went down in a heap.

And just to prove the first time wasn't a fluke, we pulled the audience again! And this time we got a hurried screenshot for posterity:

Opera Audience!
Some heavy statistical analysis initially pointed the finger at Irational's Multi-shot, but further work revealed the likely culprit to be Rev & his pulling heals of wonder.

The night saw some amazing ninja looting by Olrotty, who picked up about 15 Purples on his journey from worst to best spec'd in one night. 'grats! Not to be outdone, Stroeb got her 4th pair of T4 gloves, which cheered everyone enormously.

Four attempts at Nightbane followed, and whilst we didn't get him down, we did make significant progress each time: Damage done 430k -> 740k -> 860k -> 990k. By the last attempt we had him through to Phase 3 - his time on this Earth is limited.




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