Saturday, May 31, 2008


First Stroeb, then Paxmortis, both made 70 on Thursday night. Stroeb's final chosen victim was to be Durn the Hungerer, scourge of Nagrand.

Durn for 70 ftl

However, with the rest of the Elder in tow, 46XP for the kill didn't quite cut it, so a random wandering Ogre ended up with the honour!

Ogre for 70 ftw

The group then proceeded to a wipeless rampage through Sethekk Halls. Stroeb's newfound level went a bit to her head, leaving Neit and Pax to cut her down to size temporarily.

They're bigger

But all was well that ended well, as she was rewarded by a very nice set of shoulders.

Assassinating Shoulders

GM Paxmortis, in typical imperial fashion, swatted aside an unknown foe to make it, barely pausing for celebration before continuing on his chosen path. Alliance Lords beware, Paxmortis and His Elder have arrived...

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