Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The Elder had a very weird experience last run - through the wonders of The Caverns of Time, we once again became...Human! Alliance scum!!

Look at all that...flesh!

Fittingly, no-one but Stroeb seemed to be improved. Blackheathen sported a rude flat-top, Paxmortis a mullet, and Neitzsche was his same charming self. As for Fugg...


Stroeb on the other hand had metamorphised into a great beauty, which was to come to her aid at the end of the night.

Stroeb feels the wind in her hair

The Caverns sent us to Old Hillsbrad Foothills, back in time, before the Forsaken were spawned. Our mission was to release current day Horde leader Thrall from his captivity in Durnholde Keep. We wreaked savage fury on the keep for imprisoning mighty Thrall, setting their hovel alight. Alas poor Thrall, still behind bars, had to put up with a spontaneous display of what the human's call "dancing", while we waited for Paxmortis to overcome a bout of arcane disconnectivity.

What humans do

Once again we had completely worthless boss loot, though we did work out that based on our drops to date, we would have the best equipped Druid or Pally in the game if they were with us.

Blackheathen unveiled a genius Engineering tool - the Field Repair Bot 110G, which allowed us to repair on the fly, and even purchase some nice reagents mid instance.

Repairbot FtW

And, a romance thought long impossible was rekindled, as Stroeb bashfully presented her true self to her once and future love.


This was the only time they could be together, human to human. A long night of fishing lay ahead...

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