Sunday, July 20, 2008

Raiding is for noobs: Real Toons Minstance

(A message from Guild Leader Paxmortis)

It's official. The week beginning August the 18th and ending August the 24th has been decreed The Perfect Ten Ragefire Chasm Challenge.

RFC, located in the centre of Ogrimmar, has a level minimum of 8 and a suggested level of 13-16. Can 5 x 10th level characters with only the gear and abilities available at that level, complete the instance? If not, how far can they get?

(If none succeed, stay tuned for next year's Prime Minister's Eleven RFCC... Or maybe the following year's Baker's Dozen RFCC.... Or even the next year's Lucky Thirteen RFCC. Or if we somehow do it, next year's event may be called the Back Nine RFCC...

  • Any group of five. All must be level 10. Guildies may enter as many times as they want.
  • No twinking, but any item available for 10th level and below may be purchased or crafted. Enchants available to a 10th level enchanter may be used. Items and help may come from higher level mains, but must be limited to what is available for a 10th level character.***
  • There is no entry fee and the prize is the currently idle 'Deathbringer' title for all surviving party members and a post in the website letting all know of your immense leet skillz.
  • The instance may be run any time during the week of the Challenge, but party composition must be emailed to the guild prior to the attempt.
Perfect Ten... It's mate versus mate, Elder versus Brood, and every combination of frenzied competition this guild can provide.

Do you have the skills to be a Deathbringer?

Ragefire Chasm Challenge - "Forget the purples, this is skill."

*** Clarification: If your level 10 can get/craft/use an item, then a main can provide it. It's a measure to save some money. No fun if every level 10 has to skill up professions to get stuff. If it would be POSSIBLE for a 10 to get an item, then a main with that item/skill can provide it to save costs - for example, level 10 means Journeyman only in professions - so anything craftable up to 150 skill is ok to come from a main.

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