Monday, July 21, 2008

Heroic Nazan

(In which Blackheathen & co seek revenge)

Ramparts, our first instance in the expansion and our first failure all those levels ago. Skip forward a little while and here we are again but this time doing it Heroic mode. Our first Heroic run ended much the same as it did back in the early 60's. Despite a few silly incidents, the trash and first two bosses all went smoothly, but the dragon just kept pwning us over and over again.

At the first opportunity a couple of days later here we are again, back in the Ramparts. Slightly different group make up, this time it is Et healing, Irat up to the first boss then substituted with Spini, Chivdoc our new Warlock recruit and the mighty Fugg. As usual, a few silly mistakes on trash but otherwise all good and the first two bosses proved no hindrance.

Back at the bridge, dragon circling over head, this time. Nope, not the next time either or the one after that. Unlike the previous night's attempts, we had time on our side this time and a grim determination to finally see an end to it and hand in the daily quest lol.

Back again, kill the guards, pick up Vaz, run in and pick up Nazan when he lands. All going ok so far but the burst damage from the dragon is enough that I am never comfortable tanking him, especially when you know the healer is dodging fireballs and trying to keep everyone else up as well. For some reason I can never pick when Nazan is about to fire off his breath weapon and thus always seem to cop the 4k damage it deals. At one point in the fight I was getting low, popped potion, healthstone and thank god my Last Stand cooldown just came up and I was able to give Et some breathing space. That was all we needed and even though Fugg and I died, the great dragon Nazan died about a second later. Finally, Heroic Nazan was downed after much effort over 2 separate nights.

Time to die

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